Sebastiano Brusco

Sebastiano Brusco

Sebastiano Brusco was one of the founders of the Faculty of Economics at Modena.
These pages include his academic curriculum, list of publications, and some unpublished writings.
These pages provide: materials enabling the knowledge of his scientific work to be spread, testimonials and information on the events organized in memory of his scientific activity.
The Sebastiano Brusco Archive is on line, in the web site of the IBC (Italian Institute of Cultural Heritage).

The purpose of these pages is to spread the knowledge of Sebastiano Brusco’s scientific work.
To this project, supervised by Margherita Russo, the following have contributed: Cristina Belloi, Alessandra Carini, Franco Cillea, Simone Covili, Patrizio Magagni, Enrico Nannini, Anna Natali, Elisabetta Ognibene, Gioia Ottolini, Rita Parente, Francesco Pigliaru, Giovanni Solinas, Fernando Vianello.
Thanks to Economia e Società Regionale, Ichnusa, il Sole-24 Ore, La nuova Sardegna, la Repubblica, Sardinews for their kind permission to publish the articles and pictures originally printed by them.

[Ultimo aggiornamento: 11/01/2022 08:58:42]