Foreign students' enrolling in single courses

Enrolling in single courses is possible (maximum three courses per year).

The enrolment in one course means that the student:

  • attend lessons during one semester
  • take the final exam
  • obtain a certificate of attendance

To be admitted the student must produce:

  • the upper High School Diploma or a document that demonstrates his enrolment in a University, if this is the case, accompanied by a certified translation in Italian with a declaration of value (traduzione giurata e dichiarazione di valore)
  • a certificate with all personal data
  • two photos

Foreign student, interested in single courses, does not have to take the Italian Language test.
If the student is a non EU citizen and not resident in Italy, he must give the Italian Embassy the admission form.
Deadlines are fixed yearly.

If the student is a EU citizen (no matter where he/she lives) or a non EU citizen legally resident in Italy, he/she can hand his/her documents in directly to the Students’ Secretary (Segreteria Studenti, Corso Canalgrande 45 – Modena).

[Ultimo aggiornamento: 25/03/2014 15:20:51]