The recognition of a foreign Degree

For the recognition of a foreign Degree the following documents are required:

  • the High School Diploma and the Certificate of Degree accompanied by a certified translation in Italian with a declaration of value (traduzione giurata e dichiarazione di valore)
  • student's career (the list of the exams passed and their grades)
  • the abstract of all the exams passed in Italian (it's not required an official translation)
If the student is a non EU citizen and he is not resident in Italy, he must apply to the Italian Embassy.
If the student is a EU citizen (no matter where he reside), or a non EU citizen legally resident in or an Italian citizen with a foreign degree, he can directly apply to the Students’ Secretary of the Faculty (Segreteria Studenti, Corso Canalgrande 45 - Modena).

All the Certificates written in a foreign language must be given in with a
certified translation in Italian, recognised by the Italian Embassy, along with a "declaration of value" .

The recognition of a foreign degree is
not immediate .
The Department usually requires the student to integrate your curriculum with a certain number of exams (abbreviazione di corso).
Therefore, the student has to enrol at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, attend a number of courses, pass the related exams and discuss your thesis again.

[Ultimo aggiornamento: 26/11/2012 16:56:53]